Rival Technologies

Global experts in insight communities and mobile-first market research methodologies

We’re on a mission to help brands activate their best customers…

And we’re starting with the $90-billion market research industry.

Why? Because brands have become dangerously reliant on anonymous tracking and test-like, email-based surveys—traditional approaches that are out of sync with how people live their digital lives.

Rival is a mobile-first, Voice of Customer platform that makes it easy to reach real people in real-time and engage them in a way that feels fresh, organic and fun. With Rival, every research engagement is an opportunity to innovate with your customers and deliver an experience that builds affinity for your brand.

The Rival Story


The Rival Story

In 2017, our Founder, Andrew Reid, saw a massive gap in the market research industry. While brands were still relying on email-based surveys to engage customers, people have moved on to SMS, mobile messaging apps and social media. Together with a team of passionate researchers, UX experts, and technologists, Andrew started Rival to address this gap.

Today, 90% of Rival customers are in the Fortune 500.

Before Rival, Andrew founded Vision Critical (now Alida) in 2000—a company that went on to become an established player in insight communities and market research.

Rival at a glance



year-over-year growth in subscription revenue between 2020 and 2021

Rival Technologies - careers and awards

Disruptive Startup

Recipient of prestigious awards, including the Next Gen Market Research Disruptive Innovation Award


A Unicorn
in the making

We’ve been named a Soonicorn—a startup on its way to a $1B valuation.

A game-changing,
mobile-first insight platform

Rival Technologies - leading insight community and panel tech platform provider

Rival is the easiest way to run your quantitative and self-guided qualitative research programs on mobile. 

Our secret sauce? A blend of research rigor, sophisticated tooling, chat, video, and machine learning. Plus: a world-class customer success team that helps you every step of the way. 

Brands like Paramount, Dell and Land O’Lakes use our platform to get more out of their agile research programs and insight communities.

See how it works
Rival Technologies - leading insight community and panel tech platform provider

Our People

about-us-desktop-our-people-image about-us-mobile-our-people-image

Our People

Rival is made up of future-thinkers and passionate people who hold an abundance view of technology. Experts at our own domains, we are connected by the same mission.

If you take your work seriously but don’t take yourself too seriously, then a career at Rival might be for you. 

Learn more about what it’s like to work at Rival here.

Our values



Adventure, bravery, and innovation are baked into the DNA of our business

Rival Technologies - core values - Results


A strong history in being results-driven, which is deeply embedded in our culture today

Rival Technologies - core value - energy


We trust each other and work together to create a strong sense of acceptance, inclusivity, and fun

Rival Technologies - core value - kinship


United by our interests in consumer psychology, innovation, and the future of market research

Our leadership team

Corporate Family:

Rival Group Reach3 Insights

Rival Technologies is part of Rival Group, Inc. Our sister company is Reach3 Insights, an award-winning full-service research consultancy that develops scalable, conversational insight solutions for today’s modern, agile enterprise.

Award-winning technology and workplace
